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Leadership - At Your Service

“The degree to which you serve others as a leader will determine the level of your effectiveness and value as a person.”

We will always make room for those who see the potential that lies within the people who labor among us; that type of person will usually raise the bar of expectations for our organizations. Why?

  • They believe in the value of people

  • They awaken an awareness of the giftedness inherent in others

  • They inspire a deep desire for personal development

  • They attract like-minded leaders carrying the same vision


In his Law of Addition, John Maxwell says, “The best place for a leader isn’t always the top position. It isn’t the most prominent or powerful place. It’s the place where he or she can serve the best and add the most value to other people.”

I believe it is a waste of time and energy to look for ways to get ahead in the endless pursuit of upward mobility. Statistics show that people who help others get ahead are admired and possess far more influence than those who seek to get ahead of others.

I have found that valuing people more than your position communicates respect and thus enhances the effectiveness of your teams. That’s why servant-minded leaders are always at the forefront of legacy-minded organizations.

It is Always Better to Give Than to Receive

“Receiving value is for the purpose of adding value, so others can meet the challenges that come with going further.”

Far too often, leaders can operate under the assumption that their people exist for their own benefit, forgetting that it is the leader’s responsibility to benefit their people, without whom leaders benefit no one. Leadership is not about being in charge. Simon Sinek says, “Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.”

“Data shows that teams led by servant leaders drive 6% higher performance, 8% better customer service, and 50% better employee retention.” (1)

Three Valuable Suggestions

1) Avoid Micromanaging Your People

Instead, ensure they are empowered to do the work the way they think best. This could include allowing them to make decisions and direct business flow. When you empower and provide autonomy, you’re saying you trust them.

2) The People You Serve Will Rise to Meet the Challenge

Your best people enjoy a good challenge. They want to explore the limits of possibilities. Are you giving your best people challenging assignments? Never underestimate the potential residing within them.

3) Mentor Your People to Serve Others

Good leaders understand that their best people desire to develop their skills and value mentorship from other successful people. By providing mentorship, you’re telling them they matter. Consider using them to mentor the newer team members.

In Closing, Sheryl Sandberg remarks, “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”


End Notes

*** This article was authored by John Picarello, Chief Leadership Officer at Lions Pride Leadership Co.***

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